Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a psychological treatment known as a type of talking therapy. As a common treatment for a variety of mental health issues, it has demonstrated to be effective for problems including depression, low mood and anxiety, amongst others. CBT focuses on dealing with current issues, rather than problems from the past, examining each individual’s thinking patterns and helping them to develop coping strategies. Offered by our therapists at Aguilera Psychology, along with specialist Trauma Focused CBT and CBT for Psychosis, our CBT therapy is aimed at helping people to understand how beliefs and attitudes can impact their feelings & actions.
How Does Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Work?
For those with anxiety or depression, some specific problems can appear to be overwhelming and uncontrollable. CBT helps by breaking problems down into different areas – thoughts, emotions, situations, physical feelings and actions – and understanding that these areas all impact one another. In making problems appear more manageable, our CBT therapists help to change negative thought patterns and allow individuals to regain a sense of happiness and control.
What Problems Does CBT Help?
Most commonly used to treat mental health problems such as anxiety & panic attacks, depression, and OCD, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is a collaborative approach between each individual and therapist, working together to find solutions to problems. Additionally, at Aguilera Psychology, we also offer specific CBT to treat those with trauma and psychosis. TF-CBT is designed to help those with trauma, complex trauma and PTSD to process painful memories, whilst CBT-p aims to reduce the distress and trauma caused by the hallucinations, delusions and disorganised thinking of psychosis.
CBT Therapist
With the scope of issues that CBT can help, assessing the therapy needs of each individual is essential. Whether you are suffering with panic attacks, or have a general low mood, our chartered psychologist Kat Aguilera will ensure that you get the right help that you need, with a personalised therapy plan. Both in-person and online CBT therapy is offered, with our intention of helping those with a range of issues to understand their emotions, and change negative thought patterns.
To enquire about our Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, including Trauma-Focused CBT and CBT-p for psychosis, contact us today for an initial consultation.
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Suite 5
5th Floor
City Reach
5 Greenwich View Place
E14 9NN
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